Design system tokens
We use Figma local variables to generate our design system tokens. You can find the tokens in the packages/ui/src/styles/tokens
In source code we provide access to design tokens via css variables. These variables can be redefined in order to customize the design system. Sets with css variables are defined in packages/ui/src/styles/public
directory. They can be redefined in your project's css file with custom theme.
CSS Variables Theme
You can use predefined themes with css variables or create your own theme. All css variables can be redefined.
Here are the main sets of tokens:
(global), tokens that comes from Figma design system (fonts, typography, dimensions, etc.), used in theme tokens;theme
, tokens from Figma design system that are used to define color schemes, color definitions mostly;component
, top level tokens that create abstract layer for core of Acronis UI Component Library components;palette
, tokens that organize and form the basis of the color system of the library;internal component tokens
, specific component tokens, basis of extension points, must be used in final components css styles.
Components extension points
Components can be extended with css variables(aka component tokens). While creating component we can define them in separate css file and use them in component styles. (ie AcvButton.css)