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The component is used in various wizards and shows the entire path that the user needs to go through in order to complete the installation or configuration of certain modules within the interface.

Basic usage

Default usage allows user to switch between steps only by external efforts. Flag interactive let the user switch to any fulfilled step


Set v-model attribute with Number type, which indicates the index of steps and starts from 0. Also, you can set :value and handle all changes by @input. Use title attribute to set name of the step, or override the attribute by using a default slot into <acv-stepper-item> tag

Source code
<script setup>
  import { AcvStepper } from '@acronis-platform/ui-component-library';

  <AcvStepper />


The component is allowed to use in horizontal and vertical form. In the horizontal view, the component is used for full-screen wizards, and in the vertical - for wizards in modal windows


Let you do any changes before we switch to the selected step

  • A related component.
  • Another related component.



MIT Licensed